What’s That Strange Odor?
Did you hear an animal rustling about in your attic, crawlspace, or in between your walls, and now those sounds have been replaced with a foul odor? It could be that very animal died, and is now in the process of decomposing. Removing the animal in question could be as easy as seeing it, and putting in a bag for proper disposal. However, there is a possibility it could be in a wall, underneath an air duct, or insulation, and will require a bit more work to remove. Or it could be from droppings from an animal that has been living in your attic or crawlspace and needs to be removed. [See figures 2 and 3 below]. A pest control technician can help you identify the location, remove the carcass using proper safety gear, and properly dispose of it for you. As decaying creatures start to smell, they also attract flesh flies and maggots. [see figure 1.] So, most people prefer to leave it to the professionals. That would also allow the technician to find out where and how the animals are gaining entry into your home, thus preventing this issue in the future.
Central Termite and Pest Control can look for the problem, and if possible, remove the cause of the odor and disinfect, sanitize the area. In some extreme cases the insulation must be removed and replaced due to the urination and feces left behind.